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6 POS Tips to Optimize Your Operation

Whether you fancy yourself a tech junky or if you’re the holdout still using an old school cash register, it’s time to face the music that we’re full swing in the technology era.  While not necessary for every business model to thrive, it remains a simple fact that modern solutions exist for traditional bottlenecks and business ailments.  We’re happy to schedule a discovery session to determine if point of sale technology could help your business realize significant gains.  In the meantime, read on to glean 6 POS tips to optimize your operation!


Gift Cards

Gift cards remain a time tested means of revenue growth and new customer acquisition.  A favorite at holiday time, who doesn’t love receiving a cash card for a local business or online retailer?  Modern point of sale systems have one-upped the traditional paper certificates by providing everyday merchants with access to customized plastic and digital gift cards.  Proffering the professionalism of large box retailers, small businesses now have an affordable means to market their services to a wider audience and take advantage of an exciting revenue boost.


Rewards Programs

Customers in today’s age not only enjoy the perks that come with loyalty at their favorite shops, but it could be argued that points for purchases are an outright expectation in many industries.  Once managed by paper punch cards, payment technology now offers a digital, and generally free, capacity with which to compile and report points balances.  Customers can download an app to track earned points and merchants enjoy a better understanding of their clients’ spending habits, along with heightened engagement and repeat patronage with their target audience.


Online Ordering

A mainstay following the pandemic, online ordering, curbside pickup and delivery services such as GrubHub and ChowHound have made it clear that they’re here to stay.  Managing the flow for dine-in, telephone and online orders can be nightmarish for the ill-prepared.  Enter technology that fires to the kitchen any orders placed online, and allows customers an interface with the capability to customize each dining experience to their liking, despite the lack of interaction with a restaurant employee.


Dashboard Reporting

Miss having a pulse on what’s happening while you’re away?  Modern point of sale systems track and report down to the minute detail the happenings at your business 24/7.  Keeping a watchful eye on sales data, refunds, peak traffic times, and the like is available at the click of a button on phone, tablet or computer.  Likewise, processing payroll, accessing data to report end-of-period taxes, etc. is a breeze when the information you seek is so readily available.


Order/Pay at the Table

Gone are the days of carbon paper order slips and misinterpreted chicken scratch handwriting.  Point of sale systems now offer integrated handheld devices capable of placing orders that fire right to the kitchen, transferring orders between tables and servers, issuing gift cards, taking payments and adjusting tips.  A great solution for line-busting busy retail locations, or for accommodating patio dining areas, portable POS solutions are all the craze as merchants seek efficiency gains.


QR Menu & Payment Codes

A creative solution for restaurants with a rotating service offering, QR codes placed in a conspicuous location, such as on table tent cards, are an excellent means to communicate what’s on the menu or allow customers to access the bill at their leisure.


The Long and Short of It…

Savvy business owners recognize that technology is here to stay – embracing change as you seek efficiency gains is less daunting with a trusted partner in tow.  A Pinnacle Payments Relationship Manager would be happy to provide you with customized POS tips to optimize your operation!


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